Kyle Butts
Author of 6 CRAN packages
With 6 packages completed, Kyle Butts is proving to be quite the prolific developer. Keep it up! Kyle Butts teamed up with 37 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
6 Packages
- did2sTwo-Stage Difference-in-Differences Following Gardner (2021)
- didimputationImputation Estimator from Borusyak, Jaravel, and Spiess (2021)
- dqrngFast Pseudo Random Number Generators
- fwlplotScatter Plot After Residualizing Using 'fixest' Package
- shiny.tailwind'TailwindCSS' for Shiny Apps
- skimrCompact and Flexible Summaries of Data
- Laurent Berge
- Grant McDermott
- John Gardner
- Philippe Grosjean
- Ralf Stubner
- Melissa O'Neill
- Aaron Lun
- David Blackman
- Sebastiano Vigna
- daqana GmbH
- Henrik Sloot
- David Zimmermann-Kollenda
- Kirill Müller
- David Zimmermann
- Hadley Wickham
- Patrick Schratz
- Hao Zhu
- Daniel Possenriede
- Michael Quinn
- Mikko Korpela
- Elin Waring
- Patrick Kennedy
- Rick Saporta
- Harris McGehee
- Amelia McNamara
- Eduardo Arino de la Rubia
- Julia Lowndes
- Shannon Ellis
- Hope McLeod
- RStudio, Inc.
- Connor Kirkpatrick
- Scott Brenstuhl
- lbusett
- Jennifer Thompson
- Mark Roepke
- Bastian Torges
- Henry Morgan Stewart